Schick Sortall Revolution 2
The SortAll® Revolution 2 is a highly automated hog sorting system designed to encourage consistent growth, provide growers and integrators
with highly organized data, and promote informed business decision-making.
Constructed entirely out of stainless steel, each scale is equipped with a browser-based software interface, giving producers access to
both granular and big-picture information on the health and progress of two pens’ worth of pigs. When properly managed, SortAll finishers
significantly outperform conventional finishers in sort loss, loading time and mortality.
- Effective: Encourages consistent pig growth
- Scalable: Handles up to 1,400 head
- Durable: All stainless steel construction
- Efficient: Gathers organized data
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Sorter features and benefits:
- Reduce labor and increase efficiencies
- Pigs line up to go through sorter
- Manage the feeding of pigs
- Get pigs to market uniformly
- Mark pigs at any sort level with different colour combinations
- HerdStar® patented ESP (Electronic Sense of Position) – no troublesome gate triggers or electronic eyes
- Open frame design speeds training and reduces stress