BD Feeder

Big Dutchman Feeders

Automatic feeders
for a good piglet start, high daily weight gains and easy handling

Big Dutchman offers its customers a wide range of automatic feeders for different areas of application:

  • Automatic feeders for piglet rearing
  • Automatic feeders for pig finishing
  • Dry feeders
  • Wet feeders

All feeders can be used for pellets, granules or meal and can be supplied to accommodate any type of dry feeding system either automatically or manually. The feeders can stand in the pen or they can be installed in the pen partition. Let our experts advise you on which type of automatic feeder is the best possible solution for your house.

The Range includes

for piglet rearing

Big Dutchman Feeders

for finishing pigs

Big Dutchman Feeders


Big Dutchman Feeders

Swing & Swing-Jumbo
for up to 40 or 70 – 80 pigs*

Big Dutchman Feeders

PigNic & PigNic-Jumbo piglet
for up to 40 or 70 – 80 weaners from 8 kg*

Big Dutchman Feeders

PigNic & PigNic-Jumbo finishing
for up to 40 or 70 – 80 finishing pigs*

Big Dutchman Feeders

SinglePorc IV & SinglePorc VI
Wet/dry feeder for the final finishing period

Important features of both individual feeders:

  • 1 feeder for up to 12 pigs with a weight starting from approx. 25 kg.
  • Integrated trough dispenser to moisten the feed.
  • Trough pan with a stainless steel edge for a long service life.
  • Made of recyclable plastic and stainless steel.

Big Dutchman Feeders
