Greengage Sensors


The sensors clip on to the same patented induction power cable used for lighting in livestock sheds. This creates an aerial network of
lights and sensors looking down on the animals . Monitoring critical parameters for WELFARE, PRODUCTIVITY and the ENVIRONMENT

Sensors include:

  • ALIS Greenhouse sensors (Co2, ammonia and humidity)
  • ALIS Chirpy sensors (bird vocalisations)
  • ALIS Cluster Sensor (Flock mobility)
  • ALIS Ambient Sensor (Temp and Lux)
Patented induction power technology is at the heart of the ALIS platform and was adoted by Greengage because of its numerous benefits.
  • Lamps are not hardwired and clip on and off making them easy  to maintain and re-position
  • Reduces biosecurity risk since external contractors are not required to maintain lamps
  • low energy consumption, for example ALIS Barn Lamps consume just 10Watts



  Greenage ALIS Sensors