BD Dry Rapid Feed


The versatile dry feed conveying system

DR 850 and DR 1500 – efficient pipe conveying systems. Wherever dry feed in form of meal, crumbs or pellets has to be
transported and distributed on a pig farm, Big Dutchman’s DryRapid is the ideal feed transport system, from the silo discharge to the
feed trough. This efficient pipe conveying system is available as DR 850 with a conveying capacity of approx. 850 kg/h or as DR 1500
with a capacity of approx. 1500 kg/h. DryRapid is designed in modular units and can therefore be used in all areas of pig production.

Versatile possibilities of DryRapid

For sow production:

  • Individual sow feeding with volume dispensers
  • Supplies the computer-controlled dry feeding systems (EcoMaticpro, DryExactpro)



For piglet rearing:

  • Supplies all types of self-feeders
  • Supplies the ESF system CallMatic 2 for pregnant sows in group management



For finishing pigs:

  • Supplies all types of self-feeders
  • Supplies the computer-controlled dry feeding systems (EcoMaticpro, DryExactpro)